Written by: Elizabeth
Oath of God Ministries


The Body of Christ needs to realize that persecution against Christians is very real throughout the world.  It is only a short period of time before persecution grips America.  It is around the corner.  When it does strike America – you will understand the true value of receiving prayer from others who might not be facing the same dire circumstances.

Prayer Initiative for Persecuted ChristiansThe persecuted ones are our sisters and brothers in Christ.  If your child was kidnapped by a militant group or your brother was falsely imprisoned – would you not want someone to pray for them.  God is now asking you not only to pray but to provide for your Christian brothers and sisters who live in distant nations throughout the world.  This may require that you donate money to a reputable organization which provides for the needs of persecuted Christians.  For some Americans this translates to a financial sacrifice but it is something God will honor.  It may also require that you repent if you are self-absorbed in a daily routine of insignificant worries while your brethren are being killed and persecuted.

We believe that this initiative, if followed routinely every Sunday, will begin to melt the hearts of congregants whereby true repentance will follow.  

1.  Every Sunday morning during service two intercessors should go to the pulpit and tell a story of at least one persecuted family.  Whenever possible and if time allows additional reports should be given as persecution is continually on the increase.

2.  The first intercessor can report.  The second intercessor can publicly pray over each report.

3.  Open Doors provides a new report each day on a different persecuted Christian or persecuted community.  You can get this report by going to Open Doors.  There are (7) new reports each week.  This provides an ample supply of reports for prayer.

4.  Voice of the Martyrs also provides a list of imprisoned Christians in different countries.  Each of these prisoners continues to languish in prison.  This list will also provide an ample supply of reports for prayer. 

5.  Gospel for Asia also provides reports but not as frequently as the other organizations.  

6.  Rescue Christians, a rather new organization but one that is off to a strong start, is meeting the daily needs of Christians who are in forced labor or experiencing persecution.  Rescue Christians has some reports.  It does provide videos of Christian families in Pakistan who need help.  These individuals should receive prayer as well. 

If congregants continue to hear about the persecution of other Christians on a weekly basis it will begin to turn their frivolous hearts towards repentance.  


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